So this is my blog....

feel free to hang around, get a mug of tea (two sugars please, lots of milk) and enjoy as i let my mind wander on all things life, God, Gurl and generally Beth....


Friday, 31 August 2007

heart pouring time...

well hello.

I haven't posted for a little while, not due to forgetfulness, but more to not feeling like i had anything important enough to say. Thing is, i very rarely have anything of value to say, i just waffle, occasionally in an amusing way, and if i didn't waffle the majority of the time, nothing of value would ever appear amongst. So i'll just waffle and hope the gems are somewhere inside the batter.

The last few days have been spent chilling with friends every evening, stopping me being lonely in this slightly scary, empty house. We watched little miss sunshine tonight, a film i'd been wanting to see for far far too long- and i enjoyed it even more than i expected. everything i want in a film (apart from some amazing musical numbers, but even i would possibly get slightly annoyed with people bursting into song in every film!) Even the subject matter was close to my heart, with the image that is forced upon girls sometimes- nothing angers me like that!

I'm not an activist for the "skinny is bad" camp in anyway shape or form- thats just hypocritical when you own size zero clothes, but the forced image for everyone to be one way or another is the problem. Girls are catty beings, especially when they're insecure, and i know that when i feel intimidated, i'll notice her imperfections to attept to fill the gaping insecurities i have myself- but as everyone knows, dragging others down does nothing to help you or them.
All through my school years i was insecure about the way i looked, and i had friends who would try and justify themselves by knocking me down about certain things, because i was thin, pointing out my less than ample cleavage to try and make themsleves feel better in their heads.
This need for Justification is something we all struggle for, whilst searching for acceptance and love. The amazing thing is, we have all the justification and acceptance we could ever need in God, and the love jesus shows us daily is something we just cant deny- we have no need to try and find justification in others eyes when God's just crying out to us for him to fill the gap, to give us a sense of worth and understanding.

Around us we need people who will love us and accept us for who we are, and that's something we strive to be with Gurl, to show girls that it doesn't matter if you're curvy or thin, a size 6 or 16, that God thinks you're amazing and he want's to get to know you, and so do we. We all need other people to love us, and keep us accountable when we're doing stupid stuff, and hopefully gurl can be apart of that.

Let's see girls lives changed, not by eating disorders and rejection and self harm, but by a loving and powerful father, who calls us to love, real love, and to look to him for all our needs.


little said...

Gosh, very intelligent reflections. Although, that's not a surprise.

If you tell me the names of the girls who ripped you, I'll go and smash their faces in.

Only joking, I'd never hit a girl :-)

Well, I'm not sure if I was one of those who recommended Little Miss Sunshine to you, but I'm glad you watched, and more importantly loved, it.

The most cringeworthy scene is when the little girls all walk on stage like they're women (made even more cringeworthy because I'd seen the Pageant Organiser playing a similar character in Donnie Darko.) I hated the reminder that children are so sexually aware these days, and as adults are we doing enough to let the next generation of kids just be kids?

Jon Hares said...

Wow beth. I don't quite know what to say. You are spot on though, I'll say that. Bless you.

Unknown said...

I agree with you (you know I do) that girls rarely get a realistic idea of who they are, and so many beautiful girls think they can't possibly be. It's probably a bit weird coming from a bloke though so I'm glad you're doing something about it because I probably can't directly. you have my support. dev