I keep meaning to blog in a more regular fashion- we'll see how this goes... but i'm going to try and blog at least once a week on the activity (or inactivity as it may be) of my life. So here we go...
This is me right now...

Today is a nice day, and a slightly sad one. The blue background means i'm currently sat on Jim's bed, whilse he's gone to record some vocals after bringing me a lovely cup of tea this morning. I'm facing a 6 hour or so journey up to Sheffield later which makes me sad (both at the prospect of leaving the for-now normality of Jim being around and the fatigue inducing train journeys) but does mean that tomorrow will be a very exciting day. More about that, well... tomorrow.
This week has been nice to chill and finally do a tiny bit of writing. Creativity has never been a problem for me, i'm an ideas person, especially when it comes to performance centred arts, but ask me to write a song and i'll suddenly get rather embarrassed. Me, God and my piano are the only things that get to hear what i write normally... but with new GoldDigger material needing to be written in the coming months and being spurred on with some inspiration from the wonderful Andy Baker, i wrote some stuff in the shower.
Normally that would be it, but i decided to overcome my fears, sing it into my handy macbook so that i wouldn't forget... show a few friends who made approving type noises and slightly open my mind to the idea that it may not ALL be absolute rubbish.
The handy thing with having an overly talented boyfriend of course is that when i pluck up the courage to show him, and he doesn't look appalled and offended, is that he picks up one of the many guitars off his wall and records two guitar parts for it ... like that. There being the reason we leave the songwriting to him... but still, slowly overcoming some barriers in my creative life this week. which is nice.
Now chances are, you (oh mysterious you who reads my blog!) will probably never hear this song... but i'd like to think it at least leads to one day you hearing another. Creativity is so much about confidence i think... confidence in the fact that i could, just could, be half decent- and confidence that means you can get back up and try again if its not. For me, this is developing... and this week was a good shuffle towards that.
But for now... here is an amazing video to probably one of my major songs of 2009- the first Sara song i started playing.... go put the kettle on and enjoy.
(and at some point i'll bother figuring out how to embed you tube clips... i know it's easy but meh..)
loves xx
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